Progesterone plays a crucial role in female reproductive system regulation. As a result, many of its indications in obstetrics and gynecology have been discovered over the years. This narrative, up-to-date review aims to summarize current reports on the significance of progesterone in the prevention of recurrent miscarriage. It was mainly based on the latest guidelines, the most recent review articles and large, high-quality trials with well-chosen methodology, providing results of unquestionable value. All studies are available in PubMed, Medline, Embase, The Cochrane Library and the research was done by looking through phrases as follows: recurrent miscarriage, pregnancy loss, luteal phase defect, bleeding in early pregnancy, micronized vaginal progesterone. Selected studies have demonstrated that there is still no sufficient evidence for the benefits of progesterone administration in miscarriage prevention among symptom-free women with recurrent miscarriage. On the other hand, there are some reports of its positive impact in women struggling with both- recurrent miscarriage and bleeding in early pregnancy. It is reasonable to assume that in this group of women, all factors associated with pregnancy loss, including luteal phase defect (LPD), are more frequent. More research is needed for better identification of women with LPD, because (precisely) in these patients progesterone application may have the most relevant effect in recurrent miscarriage prevention.
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