Author Guidelines
General provisions
1. The Editorial Board of the “Wiedza Medyczna” journal, hereinafter referred to as “the Editorial Board” (ul. Schroegera 82, room 201, 01-828 Warszawa, email: accepts the following medical texts for publication: original articles, review papers, case studies (case reports) and materials from scientific conventions, publishing reviews, sponsored articles, hereinafter referred to as “papers”.
2. Electronic version is the journal’s original version.
3. Texts sent to the Editorial Board may not have been published elsewhere (in part or in its entirety) or submitted for publication in other journals or publishing companies.
4. The author (whenever the Regulations refer to the “Author”, this applies to all co-authors, if there are any) of the publication is responsible for the contents of the articles.
5. All articles are published in our journal without any charges.
6. The Editorial Board does not return the submitted texts.
7. The Author should prepare the text using due diligence and paying attention to correct language. The Author agrees to any stylistic corrections resulting from linguistic norms.
Sending the manuscript to the Editorial Board
1. The manuscript should be sent electronically via the journal’s website .
2. The Editorial Board reserves the right to make such technical changes in the submitted manuscripts so they fit the graphic layout of the journal, without any interference in the contents of the work.
Technical requirements
1. The Editorial Board accepts manuscripts written in Microsoft Word (doc, docx).
2. Each sent file should be named as follows: initials of the Author_first word/words of the title_article/tables/figures, e.g. AK_pulmonology_article, AK_pulmonology_tables, AK_pulmonology_figures.
3. Use Times New Roman font, 12 points, single line spacing in: the manuscript, abstracts and references.
4. The length of the paper depends on the type of the publication: an original work should contain no more than 4000 words;
- a review – no more than 6000 words;
- a case study – no more than 2000 words.
5. Do not justify the text.
6. Standard margins (top, bottom, right, left) should be 2.5 cm.
7. Use page numbering – from the title page.
8. Figures and photographs should be sent in separate files. Tables should be editable. They should be put right after they have been referenced. Figures and photographs should have a resolution of at least 150 DPI and be sent in one of the following formats: JPG, TIFF, EPS.
Tables, figures, and photographs should be described as follows:

Manuscript structure
1. The title page should include: a title, abstract and keywords (in Polish and English). Full names and affiliations of Authors should be included in the form on the website of the journal, which is available after creating an account and logging in.
2.The abstract of original papers should be between 150 and 250 words and have the following structure: Introduction, Objective of the paper, Material and methods, Results, Conclusions. Such structure does not apply to abstracts of reviews or case studies.
3. Keywords: between 3 and 5 words.
4. Main text: headlines of the main parts of an original paper should not be numbered and they should have the following titles: Introduction, Objective of the paper, Material and methods, Results, Conclusions.
5. Notes should be put directly in the text of the article: in a round bracket right after the quote or elsewhere whenever it is required to cite the source (1).
6. Literature references should be given in the order they are cited.
- Literature should be given using the modified Vancouver reference style. Do not use endnotes.
- In case of a journal article with more than three authors, mention the first three and add "i wsp." for papers in Polish or "et al." in case of papers in foreign languages.
- For a page range, use the hyphen "-", not the em dash "–" which is slightly wider.
- Abbreviations of journal names should be given according to Index Medicus. If the journal is not in the Index Medicus database, please provide its full name.
- A bibliographic description should have the following structure: name of the journal, publication year, volume, issue number and full page range, e.g. 123-124 (not: 123-4), as well as the Digital Object Identifier (if the journal has an electronic version).
DOI is also added for publication that have an electronic version, e.g. e-books.
A model bibliographic description:
Journal articles:
Lahita R, Kluger J, Drayer DE, Koffler D, Reidenberg MM. Antibodies to nuclear antigens in patients treated with procainamide or acetylprocainamide. N Engl J Med 1979; 301(25):1382-1385. DOI:10.1056/NEJM197912203012506
Ringsven MK, Bond D. Gerontology and leadership skills for nurses. 2nd ed. Delmar Publishers. Albany (New York) 1996.
Book chapters:
Phillips SJ, Whisnant JP. Hypertension and stroke. In: Laragh JH, Brenner BM, editors. Hypertension: pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management. 2nd ed. Raven Press. New York 1995; 465-478.
Online sources
An electronic article [available online]:
Morse SS. Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases. Emerg. Infect. Dis. 1995; 1(1):7-15 DOI: 10.3201/eid0101.950102
The maximum number of items in the literature is: 40 for original papers, and 60 for review papers.