Preterm birth, defined as delivery before 37 weeks, stands as a leading cause of child mortality under five, necessitating effective interventions to mitigate its associated risks and complications. In 2020, 13.4 million infants were born prematurely, underscoring the global impact of this issue. Progesterone plays a vital role in preventing preterm birth by modulating various physiological mechanisms. Vaginal administration of progesterone has been demonstrated to significantly reduce preterm delivery rates and neonatal mortality among high-risk women. This review aims to assess the efficacy of vaginal progesterone in reducing preterm birth rates. Additionally, it evaluates the appropriateness of progesterone use in different pregnancy scenarios, including singleton gestations with and without prior spontaneous preterm births, as well as multiple pregnancies. Future research should aim to standardize protocols for cervical measurements and progesterone dosage to enhance clinical guidelines and improve treatment outcomes. Ultimately, these efforts are essential for advancing neonatal health and increasing survival rates worldwide. A comprehensive understanding and better implementation of these practices are crucial for achieving optimal health outcomes.
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