Introduction. Training of health professionals on the Eleventh Revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-11) is essential for the health system. Consequently, the various elements of this training, including workshops and training courses, should be monitored on an ongoing basis, and the views of participants in these forms of training are useful in this regard.
Objective of the paper. The aim of the study was to find out the opinions of the participants of the ICD-11 training courses and workshops conducted by the School of Public Health, Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education (CMKP) on the forms of training provided in 2023 and their usefulness, as well as on future training needs.
Material and methods. The material for the analysis consisted of 234 online questionnaires (including 52 questionnaires from online workshop and 182 from online training) and 129 evaluation questionnaires (including 88 questionnaires from online workshop and 41 from online training) obtained from the participants of the workshops and training courses conducted in 2023.
Results. Workshops and training courses on ICD-11 were assessed as improving knowledge of the ICD-11 classification, which will be introduced in Poland in the future. Participants expressed interest in attending further workshops and training course and indicated the specific topics they would be most interested in.
Conclusions. The results indicate the relevance of the chosen forms of workshop and training courses organisation. The survey of participants' opinions is an important tool for improving the quality of the educational process.
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