Wiedza Medyczna https://wiedzamedyczna.pl/index.php/wm <p>Wiedza Medyczna jest recenzowanym czasopismem online, wydawanym przez Centrum Medycznego Kształcenia Podyplomowego, mającym na celu prezentacje nowych osiągnięć z zakresu nauk medycznych i szeroko rozumianych zagadnień nauk o zdrowiu.</p> <p>Czasopismo ukazuje się 2 razy w roku.&nbsp;</p> <p>Publikujemy prace oryginalne i poglądowe z zakresu medycyny klinicznej i doświadczalnej oraz nauk o zdrowiu jak również prace kazuistyczne.</p> Centrum Medycznego Kształcenia Podyplomowego en-US Wiedza Medyczna 2657-9669 Training courses and workshops on International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-11) in 2023: Polish participants’ perception https://wiedzamedyczna.pl/index.php/wm/article/view/166 <p><strong>Introduction</strong>. Training of health professionals on the <em>Eleventh</em>&nbsp;Revision of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related&nbsp;<em>Health Problems</em>&nbsp;(<em>ICD</em>-<em>11</em>)&nbsp; is essential for the health system. Consequently, the various elements of this training, including workshops and training courses, should be monitored on an ongoing basis, and the views of participants in these forms of training are useful in this regard.</p> <p><strong>Objective of the paper</strong>. The aim of the study was to find out the opinions of the participants of the ICD-11 training courses and workshops conducted by the School of Public Health, Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education (CMKP) on the forms of training provided in 2023 and their usefulness, as well as on future training needs.</p> <p><strong>Material and methods</strong>. The material for the analysis consisted of 234 online questionnaires (including 52 questionnaires from online workshop and 182 from online training) and 129 evaluation questionnaires (including 88 questionnaires from online workshop and 41 from online training) obtained from the participants of the workshops and training courses conducted in 2023.</p> <p><strong>Results</strong>. Workshops and training courses on ICD-11 were assessed as improving knowledge of the ICD-11 classification, which will be introduced in Poland in the future. Participants expressed interest in attending further workshops and training course and indicated the specific topics they would be most interested in.</p> <p><strong>Conclusions</strong>. The results indicate the relevance of the chosen forms of workshop and training courses organisation. The survey of participants' opinions is an important tool for improving the quality of the educational process.</p> Wojciech Zgliczyński Janusz Kocik Janusz Ostrowski Jarosław Pinkas Iwona Wrześniewska-Wal Małgorzata Wywrot Alicja Baska Copyright (c) 2024 Wiedza Medyczna https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-06-12 2024-06-12 6 1 1 6 10.36553/wm.166 Alarming increase in the number of prescriptions for medical marijuana and opioids in Poland and the activity of online platforms offering teleconsultations https://wiedzamedyczna.pl/index.php/wm/article/view/162 <p>Despite the change in regulations, portals providing teleconsultations and issuing electronic prescriptions continue to facilitate access to addictive drugs. Between 2019 and 2022, the number of prescriptions issued for medical marijuana in Poland increased sixfold. The number of prescriptions for opioid medications is also increasing. In 2019, 1.3 million full-price prescriptions for such drugs were issued, and in 2023 there will be half a million more.</p> <p>There has been an opioid epidemic in the United States for twenty years. As early as 2008, the number of opioid overdose deaths exceeded the number of car accident victims. The epidemic in North America was started by OxyContin, a potent painkiller legally approved for sale in the treatment of pain. "Prescription factories" were established, i.e. clinics specialising in pain control run by doctors who prescribed opiates en masse.</p> <p>In the era of telemedicine, it is no longer necessary to create clinics, just a portal with teleconsultations issuing e-prescriptions. The aim of the paper is to present statistical data on the number of prescriptions issued for medical marijuana and opioids in Poland against the background of the activity of online platforms offering teleconsultations allowing for the insertion of e-prescriptions.</p> <p>The collected data shows that we are at a critical moment in Poland. There is an urgent need to amend the legislation and introduce a standard for teleconsultation in order to more effectively limit the activities of e-prescription platforms, otherwise they may become a gateway to uncontrolled prescriptions for addictive drugs.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p> Agnieszka Pochrzęst-Motyczyńska Copyright (c) 2024 Wiedza Medyczna https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-06-12 2024-06-12 6 1 7 12 10.36553/wm.162 Progesterone in the Prevention of preterm birth – a narrative review https://wiedzamedyczna.pl/index.php/wm/article/view/167 <p>Preterm birth, defined as delivery before 37 weeks, stands as a leading cause of child mortality under five, necessitating effective interventions to mitigate its associated risks and complications. In 2020, 13.4 million infants were born prematurely, underscoring the global impact of this issue. Progesterone plays a vital role in preventing preterm birth by modulating various physiological mechanisms. Vaginal administration of progesterone has been demonstrated to significantly reduce preterm delivery rates and neonatal mortality among high-risk women. This review aims to assess the efficacy of vaginal progesterone in reducing preterm birth rates. Additionally, it evaluates the appropriateness of progesterone use in different pregnancy scenarios, including singleton gestations with and without prior spontaneous preterm births, as well as multiple pregnancies. Future research should aim to standardize protocols for cervical measurements and progesterone dosage to enhance clinical guidelines and improve treatment outcomes. Ultimately, these efforts are essential for advancing neonatal health and increasing survival rates worldwide. A comprehensive understanding and better implementation of these practices are crucial for achieving optimal health outcomes.</p> Adrianna Graniak Diana Massalska Copyright (c) 2024 Wiedza Medyczna https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-07-08 2024-07-08 6 1 13 19 10.36553/wm.167 Enigma still unraveled: intracellular life of Acinetobacter baumannii within host cells https://wiedzamedyczna.pl/index.php/wm/article/view/164 <p><em>Acinetobacter baumannii</em> is a notorious opportunistic pathogen known for its ability to cause severe infections, particularly in immunocompromised individuals. The prevalence of multidrug-resistant <em>A. baumannii</em> infections is surging at a concerning rates. While traditionally considered an extracellular pathogen, emerging findings suggest that <br><em>A. baumannii</em> can survive and replicate within host cells, thereby evading immune responses and antimicrobial treatments. This article reviews recent cases of intracellular persistence and explores survival strategies employed by <em>A. baumannii</em>, including its interactions with host cell machinery and evasion of host defenses. Understanding of these mechanisms is crucial for developing targeted therapeutics to combat <em>A. baumannii</em> infections.</p> Ilona Ignatikova Karolina Sidor Radosław Stachowiak Tomasz Skirecki Copyright (c) 2024 Wiedza Medyczna https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-09-10 2024-09-10 6 1 20 27 10.36553/wm.164 Progesterone in the prevention of recurrent miscarriage – up-to-date review https://wiedzamedyczna.pl/index.php/wm/article/view/168 <p>Progesterone plays a crucial role in female reproductive system regulation. As a result, many of its indications in obstetrics and gynecology have been discovered over the years. This narrative, up-to-date review aims to summarize current reports on the significance of progesterone in the prevention of recurrent miscarriage. It was mainly based on the latest guidelines, the most recent review articles and large, high-quality trials with well-chosen methodology, providing results of unquestionable value. All studies are available in PubMed, Medline, Embase, The Cochrane Library and the research was done by looking through phrases as follows: recurrent miscarriage, pregnancy loss, luteal phase defect, bleeding in early pregnancy, micronized vaginal progesterone. Selected studies have demonstrated that there is still no sufficient evidence for the benefits of progesterone administration in miscarriage prevention among symptom-free women with recurrent miscarriage. On the other hand, there are some reports of its positive impact in women struggling with both- recurrent miscarriage and bleeding in early pregnancy. It is reasonable to assume that in this group of women, all factors associated with pregnancy loss, including luteal phase defect (LPD), are more frequent. More research is needed for better identification of women with LPD, because (precisely) in these patients progesterone application may have the most relevant effect in recurrent miscarriage prevention.</p> Klaudia Remjasz Michał Ciebiera Copyright (c) 2024 Wiedza Medyczna https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-10-21 2024-10-21 6 1 28 33 10.36553/wm.168 Spontaneous pregnancy in perimenopausal woman during Menopausal Hormone Therapy (MHT): a case study and clinical implications https://wiedzamedyczna.pl/index.php/wm/article/view/165 <p><span class="TextRun SCXW42523795 BCX5" lang="EN-US" xml:lang="EN-US" data-contrast="auto"><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW42523795 BCX5" data-ccp-parastyle="Standard" data-ccp-parastyle-defn="{&quot;ObjectId&quot;:&quot;c981993d-20ae-4b9a-a175-59efae85fd8e|24&quot;,&quot;ClassId&quot;:1073872969,&quot;Properties&quot;:[469775450,&quot;Standard&quot;,201340122,&quot;2&quot;,134233614,&quot;true&quot;,469778129,&quot;Standard&quot;,335572020,&quot;1&quot;,469777841,&quot;Liberation Serif&quot;,469777842,&quot;Noto Sans&quot;,469777843,&quot;Droid Sans Fallback&quot;,469777844,&quot;Liberation Serif&quot;,469769226,&quot;Liberation Serif,Noto Sans,Droid Sans Fallback&quot;,268442635,&quot;24&quot;,335559704,&quot;1081&quot;,335559705,&quot;2052&quot;,335559740,&quot;240&quot;,201341983,&quot;0&quot;,335559739,&quot;0&quot;,134245417,&quot;false&quot;]}">Diagnosis of menopause in women is usually related to infertility. We reported the case of a 49-year-old woman treated with </span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW42523795 BCX5" data-ccp-parastyle="Standard">m</span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW42523795 BCX5" data-ccp-parastyle="Standard">enopausal </span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW42523795 BCX5" data-ccp-parastyle="Standard">h</span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW42523795 BCX5" data-ccp-parastyle="Standard">ormone </span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW42523795 BCX5" data-ccp-parastyle="Standard">t</span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW42523795 BCX5" data-ccp-parastyle="Standard">herapy</span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW42523795 BCX5" data-ccp-parastyle="Standard"> (MHT) </span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW42523795 BCX5" data-ccp-parastyle="Standard">who spontaneously conceived.</span> <span class="NormalTextRun SCXW42523795 BCX5" data-ccp-parastyle="Standard">T</span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW42523795 BCX5" data-ccp-parastyle="Standard">he pregnancy </span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW42523795 BCX5" data-ccp-parastyle="Standard">terminated</span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW42523795 BCX5" data-ccp-parastyle="Standard"> in an early miscarriage</span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW42523795 BCX5" data-ccp-parastyle="Standard">. P</span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW42523795 BCX5" data-ccp-parastyle="Standard">atients should be informed about the </span><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW42523795 BCX5" data-ccp-parastyle="Standard">risk of a pregnancy during the first year of MHT, as also </span></span><span class="TextRun SCXW42523795 BCX5" lang="EN-GB" xml:lang="EN-GB" data-contrast="auto"><span class="NormalTextRun SCXW42523795 BCX5" data-ccp-parastyle="Standard">contraception should be considered, especially in perimenopausal women</span></span></p> Edyta Kęczkowska Katarzyna Szlendak-Sauer Michał Ciebiera Copyright (c) 2024 Wiedza Medyczna https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 2024-10-21 2024-10-21 6 1 34 37 10.36553/wm.165